Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Ring" of Terror

FH and I spent a couple of hours browsing for possible wedding bands and we made our first stop at the Zales Outlet where I had my ring custom made. While perusing the display cases, I didn't find anything vaguely appealing and so I asked the woman about possibly getting something custom made. She said that they (Zales) didn't do any custom made jewelry––they had stopped doing it about four years ago. I was puzzled. FH had gotten my ring only two years before. I remembered vividly spending more than an hour pouring over the settings and finally selecting the perfect one, which I was now wearing. FH, overhearing the conversation jumped in and mentioned the name of the sales manager that assisted him. It turns out that the manager had been "let go" surrounded a string of investigations.

Long story short, it turns out that the manager had a history of swapping out good jewelry for lesser ones, was tied to "losing" a $50,000 delivery of jewelry, and was said to have his own outside jeweler that did custom jewelry for customers outside of the scope of company policy among a host of other accusations. Seriously? I was relieved that we hadn't decided on a diamond because I would be questioning the authenticity of it. And I know we had gotten a good deal on it because it was less than $500. But it turns out FH applied for a store card, never received it, never used it, but ended up with a balance on the card (another accusation brought against the manager regarding other customers). The store sales assistants said that they would bring the issue to corporate to be cleared up.

Needless to say both FH and I was totally perturbed about the whole ordeal. I have heard horror stories regarding all things wedding related, but I never thought that it would involve us in any way. I am glad that we have our ring and that FH's store card issue will be cleared up soon.

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